█Yes Movies█ Movie Stream Forrest Gump

Release year: 1994
Writed by: Eric Roth
synopsis: A simple-minded but kind-hearted Alabama boy grows up with his best friend - a beautiful girl called Jenny. He succeeds in life through a mixture of luck and destiny and thus influences and is present at some of the most important events in the second half of the 20th century. Throughout his life he is told by other characters what life is about and whether it's all random or destined to happen, but he comes to his own conclusion towards the end
Countries: USA
Liked it: 1720045 Votes
Runtime: 142 m

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Forrest gump full movie stream. Forrest Gump is a good fun movie and entertaining a good film for movie night with friends. Movie stream forrest gump 2. Movie stream forrest gump film. Movie stream forrest gump free. Movie stream forrest gump streaming.


Movie stream forrest gump movies. Movie stream forrest gump cast. Movie Stream Forrest gimp 2. Movie stream forrest gump torrent. Movie stream forrest gump full. Forrest gump full movie online stream. Movie Stream Forrest.


Forrest Gump is a classic. A film in which people cry, laugh and are even shocked. Tom Hanks gives one of the greatest performances of all time in movie history. He won an Oscar for the role of Forrest Gump, and darn right he should have. Where do you start with a great movie like this? I think the way Forrest is, people want to see what is going to happen next. If it was a normal guy, well he would propose to Jenny on the spot. He wouldn't listen to everything his mama said, and you wouldn't have such a good film. Forrest goes through just about everything. His best good friend dies, his mama dies and someone else dies that's close to him. Forrest Gump is a great, great film. Watch it. My mama always said if you watch a good movie, you'll have a good heart.

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